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Almanac of Hospital Financial and Operating Indicators 2015: A Comprehensive Benchmark of the Nation's Hospitals

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Book Information
Edition: 1st
Publisher: Optum
ISBN: 1-60151-789-0 (1601517890)
ISBN-13: 978-1-60151-789-0 (9781601517890)
Old Edition: 1-60151-719-X
Binding: Softcover
Copyright: 2014
Publish Date: 12/14
Volume: 2015
Weight: 2.61 Lbs.
Pages: 510
Subject Class: M-A (Medical Administration and Health Policy)
A New Edition of this Publication is due 12/15
Return Policy: Non-Returnable.
Class Specifications
Discipline: Hospitals
NLM Class: WX 157
Abstract: The Almanac of Hospital Financial & Operating Indicators provides a comprehensive analysis of the financial and operating performance of U.S. hospitals and five-year trend information on more than 70 important financial measures. Comparable publications maintain only Medicare cost report records. The Almanac of Hospital Financial & Operating Indicators offers a unique database collected directly from three trusted sources: audited financial hospital statements, strategic operating indicators and Medicare cost reports. Features: Identify your facility's strengths and weaknesses. Compare your hospital's data with state and national benchmarks, as well as industry benchmarks. Access financial indicators and ratios. Analyze current ratio, profit per discharge, revenue per bed, staffing levels, length of stay and more. Reference more than 3,000 independently collected audited hospital financial statements and 6,000 U.S. hospital's Medicare cost report data. The Almanac is the largest hospital database of its kind. Determine how managed care levels affect your profitability and outcomes. Identify managed care penetration. Know where to allocate your hospital's resources. Compare your performance against established industry benchmarks.

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