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Henke's Med-Math: Dosage Calculation, Preparation and Administration. Text with Access Code

Buchholz, Susan RN, MSN
Henkes Med-Math: Dosage Calculation, Preparation and Administration. Text with Access Code Cover Image
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List Price:$99.99

Book Information
Edition: 10th
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 1-975200-20-9 (1975200209)
ISBN-13: 978-1-975200-20-6 (9781975200206)
Old Edition: 1-975106-52-0
Format: Nurses' Instruction
Binding: with Supplement Softcover
Copyright: 2024
Publish Date: 10/23
Weight: 2.55 Lbs.
Pages: 576
Carton Quantity: 14
Subject Class: NPM (Nursing Pharmacology)
Return Policy: Returns accepted up to 12 months provided no other recalls or return restrictions apply. This product contains software or Internet access code(s). Returns are not accepted if seal is broken or if access code revealed.
Contributing Authors: View
Class Specifications
ISSN Series: Henke's Med-Math
Discipline: Pharmacology
Subject Definition: Pharmaceutical Prep-Administration & Dosage-Nse's Instruct
NLM Class: QV 18.2
LC Class: RS57
Abstract: A visually engaging, hands-on approach to solving problems, Henke...s Med-Math: Dosage Calculation, Preparation, and Administration, 10th Edition, continues a successful tradition in training students to confidently calculate medication dosages and ensure safe, effective drug administration in clinical nursing practice. Starting with a basic overview of essential arithmetic, this step-by-step guide builds from simple concepts to complex challenges, clarifying the four primary methods for calculating medication dosages with helpful side-by-side comparisons. Case studies, self-testing, and vibrant animations help students hone the knowledge and skills for effective dosage calculation and accurate drug delivery. The 10th Edition is thoroughly updated to reflect the latest drug information and clinical practices and available with complete Lippincott CoursePoint integration, giving you the content and tools to engage today...s students, deliver a personalized learning experience, and cultivate clinical confidence throughout your course.

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