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Stuff That Sucks: A Teen's Guide to Accepting What You Can't Change and Committing to What You Can

Sedley, Ben
Stuff That Sucks: A Teens Guide to Accepting What You Cant Change and Committing to What You Can Cover Image
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Book Information
Edition: 1st
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
ISBN: 1-62625-865-1 (1626258651)
ISBN-13: 978-1-62625-865-5 (9781626258655)
Binding: Softcover
Copyright: 2017
Publish Date: 03/17
Weight: 0.35 Lbs.
Pages: 96
Subject Class: C-H (Consumer Health)
Return Policy: Returns accepted up to 90 days provided no other recalls or return restrictions apply.
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Abstract: If you struggle with negative thoughts and emotions, you should know that your pain is real. No one should try to diminish it. Sometimes stuff really does suck and we have to acknowledge it. Worry, sadness, loneliness, anger, and shame are big and important, but they can also get in the way of what really matters. What if, instead of fighting your pain, you realized what really matters to you.."and put those things first in life? If you did that, maybe your pain wouldn...t feel so big anymore. Isn...t it worth a try?Stuff That Sucks offers a compassionate and validating guide to accepting emotions, rather than struggling against them. With this book as your guide, you...ll learn to prioritize your thoughts, feelings, and values. You...ll figure out what you care about the most, and then start caring some more! The skills you...ll learn are based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Yes, there are a few written exercises, but this isn...t a workbook. It...s a journey into the stuff that sucks, what makes that sucky stuff suck even more, and how just a few moments each day with the stuff that matters will ultimately transform the stuff that sucks into stuff that is just stuff. Make sense?Maybe you want to be more creative? Or maybe you simply want to do better in school or be a better friend? This book will show you how to focus on what you really care about, so that all that other sucky stuff doesn...t seem so, well, sucky anymore.

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