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CPT 2023: Professional Edition (Spiral). Includes E/M Companion, 1e

CPT 2023: Professional Edition. Includes E/M Companion
ISBN: 978-1-64016-213-6
October 2022
List Price: $134.95

2023 CPT Professional Edition is the definitive AMA-authored resource to help healthcare professionals correctly report and bill medical procedures and services. Healthcare professionals want accurate reporting of services rendered and reimbursement. Payers want efficient claims processing. Correct reporting and billing of medical procedures and services begins with 2023 CPT Professional Edition.Only the AMA, with the help of physicians and other experts in the healthcare community, creates and maintains the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code set. No other codebook has the accurate, complete official guidelines for the latest and current procedural terminology for procedures and services to help you code medical services and procedures properly.The 2023 CPT E/M Companion is the definitive AMA-authored supplement reference guide to the CPT 2023 Professional Edition. It is designed to help users understand the changes to certain evaluation and management (E/M) services; how to report these new and revised or consolidated codes; and how to apply the revised and new guidelines effective January 1, 2023.To enable consistency with the 2021 revisions to the E/M office and other outpatient codes, the 2023 E/M changes will provide users with a streamlined set of E/M guidelines that apply across multiple sites of service; revisions to code descriptors that reflect the structure approved in the office visit revisions; and a uniform Medical Decision Making (MDM) table for all the sites of services noted, as well as office or other outpatient visits.

ICD-10-CM Professional for Physicians 2023, 1e 

ICD-10-CM Expert for Hospitals
By: Optum
Pub Date: November 2022
List Price: $109.95 - SALE PRICE: $54.98

The 2016 ICD-10-CM Expert for Hospitals featuring our hallmark color-coding and symbols reflecting the new ICD-10 MS-DRG reimbursement edits makes facing the challenges of the new code set and reimbursement system easier.

Use the code book that contains the HIPAA-mandated ICD-10-CM code set, plus the familiar Optum360 coding and reimbursement alerts you have come to rely upon in your ICD-9-CM code books.

Set the standard for coding accuracy, the cornerstone of health care analytics and revenue cycle management, with the confidence only an Optum360 product can deliver.

Expert 2023: HCPCS Level II. A Resourceful Compilation of HCPCS Codes, 1e

ICD-10-PCS 2016
By: Optum
Pub Date: January 2023
List Price: $104.95 - SALE PRICE: $52.58

Accurately report supplies and services for physician, hospital outpatient, and ASC settings with the 2023 HCPCS Level II Expert. Use this comprehensive reference for the HCPCS code set that focuses on management of reimbursement. This user-friendly book guides any coder confidently through current modifiers, code changes, additions, and deletions with information as dictated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

ICD-10-PCS Professional 2023: The Complete Official Code Set, 1e

ICD-10-CM Expert for Physicians
By: Optum
Pub Date: October 2022
List Price: $109.95 - SALE PRICE: 54.98

The ICD-10-PCS Professional is our softbound version with the complete ICD-10-PCS code set and all the supplementary appendixes required for reporting of inpatient procedures. In addition, you will find the familiar Optum coding and reimbursement alerts you have come to rely upon including the Medicare Code Edits (MCE) for the ICD-10 MS-DRG reimbursement system.Intuitively organized into sections of code tables and supplementary definitions tables and device and body part keys, the Optum ICD-10-PCS codebook sets the standard for coding accuracy, which is the cornerstone of healthcare analytics and revenue cycle management.

ICD-10-CM 2023: Professional for Hospitals.The Complete Official Code Set, 1e

ICD-10-CM Expert for Physicians
By: Optum
Pub Date: September 2022
List Price: $109.95 - SALE PRICE: 54.98

The 2023 ICD-10-CM Professional for Hospitals, with Guidelines, with our hallmark features and format, makes facing the challenge of accurate diagnosis coding easier for acute care and long-term care hospitals (LTCH). This code book contains the complete ICD-10-CM code set, MCEs, and ICD-10 MS-DRG edits with symbols identifying codes for comorbidities/complications (CC) and major comorbidities/complications (MCC). Also identified are hospital acquired conditions (HAC) and CMS hierarchical condition categories (HCC).

Professional 2023: HCPCS Level II. A Resourceful Compilation of HCPCS Codes Supports HIPPAA Compliance, 1e

Professional 2023: HCPCS Level II
By: Optum
Pub Date: December 2022
List Price: $79.95 - SALE PRICE: 39.98

Accurately report supplies and services for physician, hospital outpatient, and ASC settings with the 2023 HCPCS Level II Professional. Use this comprehensive reference for the HCPCS code set that focuses on management of reimbursement. This user-friendly book guides any coder confidently through current modifiers, code changes, additions, and deletions with information as dictated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

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